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Image by Jasmin Ne

Donation Collection

Rooted Women's


Personal Care Pantry

Central Christian Church collects donations for the Personal Care Pantry, a weekly personal care product distribution service provided by Rooted Women's Ministry of Arkansas City, KS.

 You can drop donations off at the church office or at Rooted Women's Ministry (117 E. 5th Ave - Ark City). The need is great and your support is greatly appreciated. 

For more information see Rooted Women's Ministry at

Blessing Box

Take what you need.

Leave what you can.

Above all be blessed.

Yellow box located to the right of the Church Office entrance. You can drop any donations off at the church office.

Non-Perishable food and toiletry items.

Your support is greatly needed and greatly appreciated.

Donation Collection for Manna Ministries

Central Christian Church collects donations for Manna Ministries, a monthly food distribution provided by First Baptist Church of Arkansas City, KS.

You can drop donations off at the church office. Your support is greatly appreciated. 

To Know Christ and to Make Him Known

In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak

and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, 'It is more blessed to give

than to receive.'

Acts 20:35

Red Cross Blood Drives

The church provides its facilities for the American Red Cross to use for their Blood Drives.

For information on the next blood drive hosted at Central Christian call the church office. 


In the event there is a disaster in our community, Central Christian Church is a designated disaster relief location. 

Legacy Endowment 

Fund Beneficiaries

Spiritual Life:

That's our preaching, teaching, music, women's Bible studies, and other endeavors for individual or corporate spiritual growth.


That's our work with Vacation Bible School, church camp, Chi Rho, Disciple Youth Fellowship, Sunday school, children's choir, nursery, scholarships, and other programs for college age and younger. 


That includes envangelism, special offerings, support of other local and world organizations, Thanksgiving Community Dinner and other outreach projects.

The Lord's House:

This provides for our building, grounds, equipment, safety team, and improvements as needed. 

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